Sumi-e Drawing Video Buddha Meditation Zen (墨絵 白衣観音)

Buddha Meditation Drawing Video Click here for a finished Image

The key three lines are, 1)shoulder outline, 2)inside line to abdmen, 3)salnted down line from abdmen.
The three lines cross at the key point called "tan-den" where the "ki" power is focused, 9 cm under the navel. Focusing "Ki" at the tan-den point is applied for all martial arts or breathing method like yoga.

水墨画の描き方(動画):仏陀画:白衣観音、牧谿「観音猿鶴図」模写: 白衣観音は、インド密教から仏教に流れ込んだものとされてるようです。白衣のためか、女性的となり、現在は、安産の神様。

