Sumi-e Drawing Video Tiger1水墨画描き方虎1



■ 描く順番 ■

①目 ②鼻の穴 ③鼻の穴から伸びている分け目 

■ 描き方のコツ ■

・ 目と鼻、そして耳で表情が決まります。

・ 両目の角度で、顔の角度が決まります。

・ 片目、鼻の穴を決めて描くとバランスが取れます

・ 耳は、思ったよりも後ろにあります。

・ 下あご、エラはかなり大きいです。阪神タイガーズの虎のマークを見るとわかります。

・ 鼻もかなり太い(?)です。

・ 目の中側の止め点が、目の決め手となります。

・ 目の縁のラインは縦、口の横のラインは横を向いています。

・ 脚も、思ったよりも太い!です。
・ 体の縞は、濃い墨の線描で。乾かないうちに、薄墨で縞の間をなぞって、黄色部分を表現しましょー
・ 筆の水を切り、毛を平べったくして、サッサッと掃いた線で、虎からでる気を表現しています。(お好み)



■ オマケ もっと簡単な虎の絵の描き方 ■


・ 左右の鼻の穴、口の上線を1つの中心点から
・ 髭のでる黒い斑点を
・ 眼は寝てるので一本線 ⇒ 鼻は太いので、眼は少し離れます
・ 目の上の縞模様は、3本くらい。中心線も描きます
・ 耳もちょっと後ろに
・ 太い線で縞を
・ 尻尾は鼻の中心線より少しズラして
・ 髭は中心から。寝てるので少し下げ気味に
・ 薄墨で黄色い部分を。


Clouddragon 反復・繰返は、脳で考えることをやめさせる。ということは、脳で考えない知覚があるということだろうか?




Sumi-e Hyperlink Art Theory: Cosmos in Western, Chaos in Sumi-e

Rythm, beat refrains, pushing the botton. It keeps clicking, then the serotonin secretes like the water overflowing out of a buthtub. Simple beat makes people emotional, since acient Indian, who thought vowels of "a, o, u" of important, to Tokyo underground club hoppers.

Can sumi-e express rythm? How can suibokuga paintings motivate? Asymmetry composition has the key for the gate.

In the western art under the christianity, the equality is to maintain, i.e., the temperament, perspective or church construction. The western art is the right cerebral hemisphere’s explicits based on the mathmatics, which is part of the left one.

By contrast of the western christianity, in sumi-e culture,  asymmetry composition is to think. The flower must be situated at the left low position on a paper. Don’t paint the whole Swiss Alpine mountains on your eyes. See the view with negative eyes and reconstruct it with three stages of perspective, close, middle and far.

Sumi-e is the chaos theory art. The western art is rebirth of the cosmos.Whereas the western paintings build on the pile of relationship with the next part, sumi-e drawings exposits the wholeness. Every object is hyperlinked in sumi-e. Objects painted in the far perspective have relationship with the close one, not only the middle one.

Attached sumi-e works has rythm? …No. This water fall painting is a result of western brain washed composition with sumi ink. Have to crush the left brain thinking and happen the rebirth views on your eyes. Asymmetry composition stirs it up on your mind and let the serotonin out for the inhibition. That is awakeness to intend. For "she’ll carry on through it all.She’s a waterfall".

Sumi-e Ontology 水墨画存在論

Luangprabanggirlmekong Science is heading to tie things up and hyperlink itm not break it down or analyse ever. The most advanced particle physicians have alerady observed the world of wholeness. Genyu, a Japanese monk, everything can be described as the relationship between the subject and the object. Thus, "being" is the relationship; It won’t exist unless the subject and the object exist. Ontology has been discussed this matter.

Sumi-e painters usually leave some white space on paper, to indicate the artist’s intension on his works. Dr. Yanagisawa said the memory might transcend inheritablly. She calls it God. The unpainted area is not the place painters do not paint, but something lets them not painting. The white space is the common memory with the time horizontale and the space vertical axis. Sumi ink is the transgate of total recall. Thus, sumi-e drawings are the wholeness of total recall and awakeness of our history.

How to Draw Sumi-e Video 水墨画描き方(動画)桔梗;落款の場所

Littel Red Rooster in the Right Place

Red marker must be situated at the point of the composition gravity. The whole painting work is supported with that little red. It is not good if you find two places for the red marker. The composition  might complicate…or you can say, you must be gritty on paintings.

You must watch the invisible line, which the eyes move to follow.


Sumi-e for FREE @SEEDS Tokyo Impact

Seedstokyoimpacttsubakihana3 Japonism Christmas Event SEEDS 8th "Tsubaki: Camellia"

Fourty copies of Kazu Shimura Sumi-e Collection at door for FREE(志村一隆水墨画を無料配布)

Let’s spend the "Japonism" Night Together. SEEDS Tokyo Impact 8th invites anybody love japanese art for the premere of Tokyo christmas season. The blue eyes depiction of Japanese culture are welcome. High quality traditional but modern art performance will ease you and seeds new creativity in you.
anyway, drop by SEEDS in Shibuya at club ON@OFF, or you won’t piss the night away.

Venue: No Need Reservation
December 9th Sat. 21:00 start till Dawn 4:00
1,500 yen (1 drink)
Shibuya ON@OFF MAP
phone: 03-3476-1080

21:30- Maharajah Harmonics "Kazoo" Junpei Makuuchi幕内純平
22:15- Yanaka Blues Again Biwa(Japanese lute) Nobuko Kawashima(川嶋信子谷中琵琶スタイル)
22:45- Christman Chanpaign Bloom Shinobue+Wadaiko (Bamboo flute + Japanese Drum) Michiko Yamada "DakaDaka"山田路子・月村路子・木崎詔甲・打火打花
23:30- Bluse Man from the South "Tsubaki Hanawo" Showツバキハナヲ
24:15- Watch That Man Soul Dance Ko Ito 伊藤虹
25:00- Ambient Trunpet Ko、Do、Na
25:30- Jam w/t Dijurijue, Berrydance and more

Pantomime Magic Monchack

Art Live Performance

21:00-4:00 Curving and Printing Aya Kondo こんどうあや
21:00-23:00Drawing KOBATA
24:00-4:00 Drawing Riu Wauke
21:00-4:00 Calligraphy Orie Yoshida 吉田織江
21:00- 4:00 Ikebana Live (Flower arrangement) Seiko Nasu 那須青虹
Live Photo M@sa from OKノーツ

DJ Kazuki
DJ+Video double A.M. coorporation
VJ Area 81

Kimono Dress Hana Rieko Hagiwara 華リエコハギワラ

previous images here
live legend here


Zafradafamilia 吉本興業の広報を仕切る竹中執行役員の「爆笑王になるには」という話を聞いた。明石家さんまが「サン様」をやってウケるのは本家「ヨン様」がいるからだ。



