Hi there, for some requests,
I build up a very basic hands-on private sumi-e course.
You don’t bring anything.
Just jump in this sumi ink smoky world 🙂
I build up a very basic hands-on private sumi-e course.
You don’t bring anything.
Just jump in this sumi ink smoky world 🙂
Price: 10,500 JPY –
All supply included (ink, paper, brushes)
Three hour course
Available from one person
English spoken (I will teach 🙂
Please feel free to contact Cognoscenti Japan by e-mail ( info@cognoscenti.jp ) . They will help you set up the time schedule.
Sumi-e Basic Course
Sumi-e is the simple minimalism way to depict the nature around.
With the black lines and the gradation of sumi ink on the white paper, you can relax and refresh with the deep breath.
This three hour basic sumi-e course allows you to achieve the
sumi-e drawing technique and also the way of thinking of Japanese
sumi-e drawing technique and also the way of thinking of Japanese
1. Sumi-e Introduction (30 minuts)
Learn how to load the sumi ink into the brash hair appropriately
① Sumi Tsukuri
② Fude Tsukuri
2. Line Drawing Technique (60 minutes)
Learn the basic three kind of line drawing technique which allows you to depict the bamboo.
① Choku-Hitsu
② Soku-Hitsu
③ Sen-Byo
3. Draw the bamboo (90 minutes)
Learn the traditional composition of sumi-e art with the bamboo drawing
① Leaves
② Trunk
② Trunk
③ Small Branch