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ロサンゼルスの日々4 水墨画 芙蓉 葵 ハイビスカス





東京とロサンゼルスで見た花のイメージを溶け合せて、”Flower Butterfly”を描きました。ひらひら空から落ちてくる薄白い花びら。どっちかというと、芙蓉のイメージが強いかもしれません。


Flower Butterflyは掛軸工房連さんで掛軸にもなってます。こちらから

この前お知らせしたココログブログに選ばれたテンプレート(Flower Beach)は、こちらからダウンロードできます。よかったらどうぞ。http://design.cocolog-nifty.com/document/d_375.htm

Flower Dragon sumie Swinging Scrolling

One evening when been in Laos, Luran brapan, 2003, the towering clouds on the Hymayaran mountains happened to me to understand how the ancient people’s thought, fear or respect to the "Nature". This feeling, I guess, is definately what we’ve maintained naturally. Thunder, flood, storm has always been with us no matter how we like or not. They are away beyond..

Now in the business world we think we have to keep working hard. For what? for the shareholders? to achieve the business goal if you are employed. This is the logial world where if you ask, you find the answer for that soon. However, the plan built by the best and the brightest guys would not work sometimes due to the natural disaster like the earthquake or typhoon. No one could plan them. Planning by the brain would surrender.

So, the balance is needed. The logically thinking helps you to have the future dream. The respect for the "Nature" power would ease you, when you fail. The effort at the goal is necessary in this money world. The success never comes itself. What if you fail? That is because of the nature.

Dragon has shaped good from the three thousand years ago. It represent the river or cloud shape. It never the same. Keep changing.

The flower dragon now finds her world of scroll, or Kakejiku, Japanese style of tapestery. Atlier Ren’s meister, Idumi Murakami, makes well her condo. You can see the dragon keep swinging in Murakami’s pret a porter scroll. 

see here -> 掛軸工房”連” 村上いづみ

水墨画 龍の描き方 check out YouTube vid for drawing Dragon head.

I Gilasoli sumi-e 水墨画ひまわり

向日葵, sonneblume, zonnebloem, tournesol

Hi-mawari, sunflower in Japanese, means little interesting, because it indicates a flower that turns around toward the sun’s movement. Sunflower is litterary a flower of the sun, a shape of which reminds of the sun flaire. In English, German, Dutch,,, the attention takes at flower’s shape, however, Asian such as Chinese, Japanese and Latins such as Italian, French, they see the movement of this flower and name after it.

Italin film, "I Gilsoli", shot many beautiful sunflowers veiws. Italian director Vittorio De sica might want to represent the sunflower as people of desperate fate due to a war. He inserted lots of sunflower field cuts. They steals, doesn’t move. If he were northern European, his metapher would have the strong will as the sun-shining-flower. Italian gilasoli is the "moving along the sun". So, I assume that he might represent the sunflower as the fate played by the war, unescapable recruting and another life afterwards like the sunflower turns its face along with the sun’s unchangable moving, the sun is a country as the fate generator, and the sunflower is us.    

Some says in Korea a flattery is called sunflower. It is suprised that sunflower keeps a negative meaning. Only young sunflowers turns their face along with the sun’s move. So Korean means might the unrestness in youth. please let me know, anyone knows this things.   

Give Sumi-e Freedom 水墨画掛軸

Scroll is a lanchbox for the fine art. Rolling it up and just bringing it to anywhere. The scroll drawing originates in 11th – 12th century of the Sohn dynasty. I guess that it was to cater Buddhism icons. After coming to Japan in 11th century, the tea ceremony shifted the scroll up to the art from only the relegious usage. They put the scroll drawing on the wall along with the season change. Various scroll collection is the changable software on the minimal tea ceremony room of minimal. Cherry blossom drawing in the winter makes you feel the spring and warm. Maple leaves lead you to the autumn, forgetting the hot summer, blasting stagnate wind. The scroll art has developped since then. The style optimizes for it to be pretty from the sitting veiw point.

A scroll meister Idumi Murakami of Studio Ren, winds new blow in the tradion. Few places for scroll in the westernized Japanese rooms. She is, residing in Fukushima prefecture the northern Japan, creating the pop scroll. Indigo blue jeans and colorful frame impresses us freshy modern image. Living this colorful world flooding industrial advertising posture, Murakmi’s flavor releaves the high wall of the tradional abstruse style.

With the collaboration of Murakami, sumi-e works breath new air. Please check the above photo for more aesthetic.

掛軸工房"連" 村上いづみ http://blog.livedoor.jp/rennikki/archives/54741484.html

Campsis Grandiflora 水墨画のうぜんかづら

Again, "Trumpet Creeper" is on the dictionary translation and doubt it’s uncommon in English expression, so put a scientific name on it, "Campsis grandiflora". Anyone please lets me know your name of this flower in local.
This orenge flower is now on blooming after hydrangea rainy season here in Japan. We see the pyle of flower on the top of strings hanging from the wall or roof. The shape of flower remainds of the Chinese origine like kanpanera, and it is.
It came here from China in 10th century and had longevity, there is 400 years old of this.

Sumi-e Rhododendron Flower

Please Click above for Sumi-e Sale

Flower of rhododendron, syakunage in Japanese:

Strange English name for this pretty flower…  It has light pink flower with thick green leaves. Ball shape of flower tops on sward leaves radiating. It should originated somewhere in the South Asia, long time journey to Japanese islands. In May, lots of pink ball blooming on streets in the Tokyo old town. A hydrangea and rhododendron must root at the same, thinking the shape of flower and leaves.   


Hydrangea – Ajisai sumi-e

Ajisai – Hydrangea is an favorable icon in the rainy season here. We have big discussion whether it’s already? or not yet in…

Flower of hydrangea have several colors, from blue to white, violet.. and deep green leaves under the flower got your eye contact, usually…. we don’t have rain this year and got the summer sun shine now., I guess we don’t enjoy hydrangea feel.

Iris for Sumie Drawing

Iris is one of the magnificent flower. It has various colors, blue, violet or white… I hope I could depict those colors in sumi iris flower.

We have at least three spieces, but few understand those differences and figure out such is such. Though I know three names for iris-like flower, I can’t point out the exact names on exact one.

How many names of this flower do you have in your language?


Orchid for Sumi-e Line Lesson

There are four objects for sumi-e starters to learn first, 1) Bamboo, 2) Plum, 3) Chrysanthemum, and 4) Orchid, I think orchid is the most difficult among them, I have not had be confortable when I am done with the line of leaves. It is always that I can find some what I did’t try. To close to the perfect gradation and line shape, sumi ink must be appropreate in brush hair. water as well.. simple not always easy.. but worth try. 

Chrysanthemum Sumi-e Drawing 水墨画 菊の描き方

水墨画 菊の描き方


  • 筆先を平らに、少しだけ先を狭めます。
  • 少し濃い薄墨を使います。
  • 花芯に近い花びらは、まだ若く元気が良いので、少し力強く描きます。
  • 筆を紙に下し、半秒程度待ち、そこから筆を払います。半秒待つことで、花びらの先端の色味を表現します。
  • また、平らにした筆先の筆跡が、そのまま花びら先端の丸みを表現します。
  • 少しだけ軸を回転させることで、花びらに曲線を付けます。
  • ただし、筆の動きは直線で、曲げたりはしません。
  • 花芯は、8枚で描きます。軸の回転で、8枚が球体に見えるよう花びらに曲線を付けます。筆を払う方向に注意。全ての花びらが一つの点を目指しているように描きます。
  • 外側の花びらは、花芯より長く。花びらの根元は全て中心に。
  • 菊の花の形は、横長、ダイヤモンド型に収まるように描きます。

  • 一つの葉は、8回で描きます。
  • 全て中心から葉の先端へ筆を動かします。
  • 最初は、葉の最上部の部分、次に中、最後に最下部の部分。


1. Petal :

  • Light ink with small squared the tip  of the hair of the brush(fude-saki). You squeeze fudesaki after dipping the ink.
  • The squared fudesaki depict the round tip of the petal.
  • Draw the center part of the flower. This part of the flower still
    like a bud, so the drawing stroke must be  short and hard touch. It has
    little curving and sweeping at the last part of stroke.
  • You take a half breath at the first touch of fudesaki on the paper.
    That moment gives the round shape of the petal tip and more importantly
    the blacker color of the tip.
  • Eight strokes for the center part.

2. Surrounding petals :

  • Petals around the center are longer and winding.
  • The shape of fudesaki is the same as well.
  • Every stroke must be toward the center. Think the real petals are
    connected at the center and each petal grow from the one point.
  • 3. Leaves :
  • Almost the same as asagao leaves drawing.
  • One leaf is depicted by eight strokes. Top left, middle left, the
    bottom, the middle right, then top right.  Two for each small part of
  • The bottom part ; You bring the body of the brush (jiku) down toward
    yourself at the last move of the stroke. At that time,  the body part
    of fude hair must touch on the paper. You pull fude up, then the round
    shape will show up. That is the tip of the leaf. Use fude as a stamp.
  • Wash fude.
  • Bend the fude hair on the cloth.
  • Put the very black ink on the ink stone on the behind of the bent fuse hair.
  • Then, draw the thin vein line on the leaf.
  • The line won’t show up until the ink becomes dry.
  • Draw lighter black leaves behind very black one.  Remember, draw black one first.


  • Wash fude and bend the fude hair on the cloth.
  • Put the very black ink on the ink stone.
  • Draw stem lines. 


Tips 1:  the wohle picture of flower build the diamond shape or pentagon.

Tips 2: every piece of flower go toward the center.

Tips 3: leaves around flower must be very black so that the chrysanthemum flower gets colored.